It's our MISSION to help rescue PAWS off the streets.
Unfortunately many cats and dogs in our community are homeless, abandoned, dumped or neglected by their owners. We believe that every animal deserves to be rescued, medically treated and properly cared for and to be given a chance to be adopted into a loving home where they will be valued and loved like a member of the family.
Mission Pawsible Animal Assistance of Corpus Christi is a 501c3 non-profit animal rescue organization that is committed to helping and rescuing homeless cats and dogs in our community. Each animal that we rescue is evaluated and given the proper care and medical attention it needs and deserves including but not just limited to spaying, neutering and vaccinations. More often than not, many of the animals rescued are in need of additional medical care due to negect or malnourishment. All animals once healthy are then placed in foster homes where they are socialized and exposed to various situations which will help increase their chances for adoption. Our rescues are then taken to on-site adoption events as often as possible to find them a forever home.
We are also commited to promoting awareness regarding local animal welfare issues, proper pet care and most importantly, the necessity of spaying and neutering. We plan to educate our community on the benefits of spaying or neutering their pets and its importance in reducing the overpopulation of stray, abandoned and unwanted cats and dogs in our community.
Once funding becomes available, a future hope of ours is the "Mission on Wheels" Program. We hope to be able to provide residents in under-served areas within our community a free service to transport their unaltered pets to and from local Spay and Neuter clinics. By increasing the accessibility of these services and clinics to more individuals and their pets, we hope to help reduce the number of unwanted & unnecessary litters being born in our community.